Yesterday my grandfather was given 24 to 48 hours to live. Last night he sadly passed away. This man is my biggest inspiration as to why I love photography. Ever since I was a little kid I was awed by his photographs, whether it was on the cover of a book or in the junk drawer. The pure beauty of every photo he took baffled and interested me. Those days of seeing his photos and watching him shoot lit the candle inside of me. The passion he had for photography was unimaginable. It's just heart wrenching to know that the person I look up to in not just photography but life is now gone. Every time I push my finger down and hear the shutter open and close I think about him. That man IS WHY I started taking pictures. Now taking pictures has become a passion. All thanks to him. I am going to go get all the pictures he has ever taken, admire and study them, hopefully to be as good as a photographer as he was. And if I'm lucky, a good person like him...
enjoy life while you still have it...
sorry to hear